#NWPC, #NWXbox & #NeverwinterPS will undergo maintenance on Thursday 30th June, starting at
7am PT/10am ET/3pm GMT for approx 2 hours downtime
Patch Notes are available:
Patch Notes: NW.137.20220522a.16
Dragon Hunts
Green Dragon’s “Mass Dispel” no longer removes buffs that it shouldn’t, and no longer disrupts bards attempting to play songs.
Strands can no longer be “converted” to the same type at a loss.
Verdant and Crackling Strand Exchanges have been corrected. Crackling can be exchanged to Verdant, and Verdant can be exchanged into Crackling.
Rise of Tiamat
Severin’s Fire Wall ability once again properly respects revive immunity.
The final phase of the fight can no longer be skipped under certain circumstances.
Normal Difficulty
Damage has been reduced across the board.
If players fall into the chasm, they will spawn in more accessible locations depending on where they fell.
Severin’s Fireball no longer hits slightly outside its warning area.
The number of Vile Swarm patches has been reduced from 5 to 3.
The HP of mini-bosses has been reduced by approximately 25%.
The warning period for spells has been increased to 5 seconds, up from 3 seconds.
The number of Eruptions from Tiamat’s Eruption spell has been reduced to 3, down from 6.
The damage dealt by Tiamat’s Aura in Phases 3 and 5 now ramps up more slowly.
The duration of the Hold dealt by Impending Permafrost has been reduced by 3 seconds.
When Tiamat is emerged, there is more time between spell casts.
Phase 1
The damage of Fire Wall has been reduced.
Phase 2
The period between add spawns has been increased by 6 seconds.
Phase 3
It is no longer required to defeat both of Tiamat's claws simultaneously.
Phase 5
Dragon Souls will no longer be shattered when entering Phase 5.
Master Difficulty
Tiamat now properly uses the intended number of spells in Phase 5.
Known Issues
On Normal mode, Tiamat’s aura in Phase 3 currently has no effect. This makes Phase 3 much easier than intended.
Content and Environment
Overworld Map
Caer-Konig is once again accessible. We’re still investigating other reports of zone inaccessibility.
Combat and Powers
Artifact Powers
The power of the Dragonbone Wand at Epic Quality now properly gives 4.5% Critical Strike, down from 45%.
Mount Powers
The Stalwart Power from the Omen of Despair now properly increases in rank when players upgrade it to Mythic.
The Stalwart Power from the Black Unicorn now properly increases in rank when players upgrade it to Mythic.
Items and Economy
Mystagogue no longer binds to account when granted by the Astral Lockbox.
The Sinister Shade's Armor can now be worn by Bards.
Reward Claims Agent
The Legendary Barlgura now properly binds to account on claim. It is once again claimable via the RCA.
The Crystalline Warhorse now properly binds to account on claim. It is once again claimable via the RCA.
User Interface
Mutator Selection
(Xbox and PlayStation) The “close screen” button no longer appears with a PC-style interface.
(Xbox and PlayStation) The “Unlock” list’s layout has been updated for readability.
#NWPC #NWXbox #NeverwinterPS #Maintenance #M23