All platforms will undergo maintenance on Tuesday 8th August, for approx 2 hours downtime, starting at
#NWPC 6.30am PDT/9.30am EDT/2.30 PM GMT+1 UK
#NWXbox & #NeverwinterPS 7am EDT/10am EDT/3pm GMT+1 UK
Patch Notes are available:
Patch Notes: NW.295.20230620.15
• A hotfix has been implemented yesterday to fix an issue in the Dread Ring zone that was preventing the daily mission events from
• Known issue - We are aware of an issue preventing the Legendary and Epic rings from dropping in the Advanced version of the
Demonweb Pits dungeon. We hope to have a fix deployed soon.
Release Notes
Content and Environment
• The Narbondellyn mission “Major Key” should no longer fail to progress in groups.
• The “Web of Lolth” mission now properly states it requires 5 players instead of 10.
• The dual bosses in the Acquistion’s Incorporated “Renaer’s Salvation” mission each deal less damage now.
• The Red Wizard of Thay in the Neverdeath Graveyard mission “The Missing Doomguides” has had his abilities to summon undead
diminished slightly. He also has a few less guards in his ritual chamber.
Demonweb Pits (Dungeon – Master)
• The achievement “Really Mighty Party” should now be granted correctly.
Heroic Encounters
• The Proto Engine and Arcane Chaos will now properly display time remaining when moused over in the map.
Infernal Citadel
• Parties that get separated during the Abyss portion of the Hall of Chains should no longer get stuck trying to corral.
• Collision has been added to stop particularly mobile adventurers from skipping portions of the dungeon.
• Sub-objectives have been added to the Hall of Chains to make it clearer what the party should be doing, and the mission now
requires actually clearing all portals and gas spores.
• Players should no longer be forced into combat in one specific portion of the Hall of Chains.
• Minor damage and health adjustments throughout the dungeon.
• Reduced damage on the Glabrezu gifted power 'Pincher Attack'.
• Greatly increased gas spore poison damage reduction on the Balor gifted power 'Fire Aura'.
• The overall difficulty of the Infernal Citadel Dungeon has been reduced.
Manycoins Bank Heist Skirmish
• Warlocks and Conquerors will now actually use and deal damage with their powers (they dealt little or zero damage previously)
Assassins, Wizards, and Shieldbearers have had all of their damage outputs decreased to offset the fixes to Warlocks and Conquerors.
• Rust Monster 'Shred Dust' ground hazard deals substantially less damage game-wide, as it was very hard for melee players to
• The overall difficulty of Manycoins Bank Heist has been additionally reduced. Enemies should generally be easier to dispatch and
output less damage.
Dev Note: We hope Manycoins Bank Heist feels more consistent as a result of these changes, and, generally just easier. We will continue monitoring Success Rates for this Skirmish and hope to see an increase after these latest changes.
Items and Economy
• The Thrall of Zuggtmoy fashion set will no longer clip player extremities and eat the face off Dragonborns.
• Fey Longbow can now be upgraded past Uncommon (Green) after being restored.
Demonweb Store
• The Mystic Bolt Artifact set should now properly bind on pickup when characters are seeking to purchase the artifact pieces from the
Campaign Store, rather than being bind on equip.The change on the purchase binding should only affect future bought artifacts, and
characters can still earn the artifacts from their original earned sources as needed.
• The Realm Engine Core Artifact set is now purchasable in the Demonweb Campaign Store.
Menzoberranzan Store
• The Eye of Odran Artifact set should now properly bind on pickup when characters are seeking to purchase the artifact pieces from
the Campaign Store, rather than being bind on equip. The change on the purchase binding should only affect future bought
artifacts, and characters can still earn the artifacts from their original earned sources as needed.
• Drop rates on Master Abyssal Gear have been increased.
• Chaos Between Realms Battle Pass: In the Engine of Change campaign within the Chaos Between Realms Battle Pass, the third
Premium Task reward is now the Epic Collar Upgrade Progress Pack. This pack gives an account-bound Epic Mount Collar Choice
Pack, 75 Insignia Powder, and 5 Shards of Greater Empowerment.
Previously, this Premium Task reward only gave the Epic Mount Collar Choice Pack. However, player feedback noted that this
was egregiously low-value compared to player expectations. This change should add reasonable value to the pack, while maintaining the previous reward, in case the Epic Mount Collar Choice Pack was a factor in some players' choices to unlock. Premium Tasks for
this Battle Pass.
#NWPC #NWXbox #NeverwinterPS #Maintenance #PatchNotes #M26