#NWXbox & #NeverwinterPS will undergo Maintenance on Thursday 28th April, starting at
7am PT/10am ET/3pm GMT for approx 2 hours downtime
Patch Notes are available below:
Patch Notes: Version: NW.135.20220328a.11
Content and Environment
Day of the Dungeon Master
Some characters are no longer incorrectly prevented from entering the Burrow Dawn Inn.
The quest, Welcome to the Day of the Dungeon Master, is now properly offered to players who purchased the buyout before completing the quest.
Various mentions of outdated enchantments have been addressed.
Combat and Powers
Classes and Balance: Bard
Further fixes have been made to issues where certain Bard powers cause other visual effects to disappear.
Companion Powers
Watler's Presence, provided by the Watler companion, has been changed back to pure Deflect (max of 7.5% when fully upgraded).
This companion now also adds +10% bonus damage when on Day of the Dungeon Master maps.
Item Powers
The following powers available on the Sharandar Masterwork sets have been modified:
Daily Edge now grants the following: "When you use a Daily power, your Damage is increased by 6% for 10 seconds. (30 second cooldown)"
Survivor's Finesse now grants the following: "When your health is 50% or more, your Critical Severity is increased by 7500. When your health is below 50%, Deflect is increased by 7500."
Warden's Balance now grants the following: "When your health is 50% or more, your Power is increased by 7500 When your health is below 50%, Defense is increased by 7500."
Survivor's Strike has been replaced with Survivor's Instinct: "When your health is 50% or more, Power is increased by 7500. When your health is below 50%, your Incoming Healing is increased by 7.5%."
Survivor's Savagery now grants the following: "When your health is 50% or more, your Critical Strike is increased by 7500. When your health is below 50%, Critical Avoidance is increased by 7500."
Alacrity now grants the following: "When you use an encounter power, you gain a stack of Alacrity, granting 2.5% Accuracy and 5% Movement for 5 seconds. Stacks up to 3 times."
Butcher's Precision now grants the following: "When you damage or heal your target for more than 15% of your Maximum HP in a single blow, you gain 1.5% Critical Severity for 10 seconds. (Max stack 5)"
Items and Economy
The root issue preventing Blessed Artifact Weapons from upgrading has been addressed, but existing Blessed Artifact Weapons may still need a change before they can be upgraded.
Drop rates on the following items have been improved:
Displacer Beast's Whiskers
Shattered Snowflakes
Shard of Dawn's Light
Zen Market
Key and Mote Bundle is now properly called Key and Mote Bundle, and its item preview has been updated.
Refinement category coupons once again properly discount Coalescent Motes.
Masterwork Professions
Many items have been changed in preparation for the release of Sharandar Masterwork Professions for Consoles on May 5.
Stryker Bronzepin now correctly grants the player a Shining Barkshield Illusion instead of an Ancient Shining Barkshield Enchantment, Rank 9 upon completing the quest "Small Craft Advisory".
Stryker Bronzepin now sells a Shining Barkshield Illusion as well for 25000 Sharandar Favors.
Players who have an Ancient Shining Barkshield Enchantment, Rank 9 or above can trade in the item in exchange for a Shining Barkshield Illusion at the Antiquities Scholar.
User Interface
Publisher Update
Publisher iconography has been updated to Gearbox Publishing.
License Agreement
The end-user license agreement now provides a link to a website instead of showing in-client.
#NWXbox #NeverwinterPS #Maintenance #PatchNotes #M22 #Masterworks