Hi Everyone and a huge welcome to our new website from all the NWN team!!
We have been working hard these past few months to develop a format where we can bring you all the Neverwinter game news, help & Tips, latest Content Creator Partners content and general chat all in one place.
Our Facebook community has grown from strength to strength over the last few years, but we find it is lacking in features which we hope our new site here can cover. The FB community will continue on, alongside this site, our Twitter account and our Discord,
Our forum is now active, and we are adding categories to this as we go forward. If there are features you would like to see added, we would love your feedback as we aim to make this the one stop site for everything Neverwinter on PC, Xbox & PS4.
We would like to thank you all hugely for your support over the past 3 years and hope you will continue to support us into the future.

Hi to the team & congrats on the website. Looks fantastic.
Welcome to NWN website
Its good to be here, looking forward to reading all your posts, good luck with the site and thank you for all your hard work.
Hi everybody!
Looking forward to see it grow and be an important spoke in the NWN wheel.