The full info on it is noted in the Patch Notes, which you can find here, the patch today for #NWXbox only has temporarily added on around 3gb to the base game download size. This 3gb is a 'Non-Content' update, likely featuring some corrections to the game coding and perhaps pre loads of future content and or events. The total game size will be reduced in a future patch.So the 31gb patch today has been a full write over of the base game plus a little more info. You will not see any playable changes due to this outside of the playable changes in this weeks Patch Notes.
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The full info on it is noted in the Patch Notes, which you can find here Basically, the patch today for #NWXbox only has temporarily added on around 3gb to the base game download size. This 3gb is a 'Non-Content' update, likely featuring some corrections to the game coding and perhaps pre loads of future content and or events. The total game size will be reduced in a future patch. So the 31gb patch today has been a full write over of the base game plus a little more info. You will not see any playable changes due to this outside of the playable changes in this weeks Patch Notes.